.. xtas documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Apr 2 14:39:31 2014. .. raw:: html
xtas, the eXtensible Text Analysis Suite ======================================== xtas is a collection of natural language processing and text mining tools, brought together in a single software package with built-in distributed computing and support for the Elasticsearch document store. xtas functionality consists partly of wrappers for existing packages, with automatic installation of software and data; and partly of custom-built modules coming out of research. Currently offered are various parsers for Dutch and English (Alpino, CoreNLP, Frog, Semafor), named entity recognizers (Frog, Stanford and custom-built ones), a temporal expression tagger (Heideltime) and a sentiment tagger based on SentiWords. A basic installation of xtas works like a Python module. Built-in package management and a simple, uniform interface take away the hassle of installing, configuring and using many existing NLP tools. xtas's open architecture makes it possible to include custom code, run this in a distributed fashion and have it communicate with Elasticsearch to provide document storage and retrieval. See :ref:`extending` for details. .. raw:: html Getting started Overview API
Contents ======== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 setup tutorial overview api rest extending changelog faq Developed by ============ .. TODO find a better way of displaying these (in the theme?) .. raw:: html